Bruce Petty, Cartoon
Petty, Bruce |
A Bruce Petty, Cartoon, on Multiculturalism and Immigration. |
Format: jpg | Size: | Length: 494x696 | Date Added: 23 July 2002 | |
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Fears of Chinese migration, 1895
Hopkins, Livingston |
This cartoon, labelled “The Yellow Trash Question”, reflects the prejudices of Australians who thought the country would be flooded by Chinese immigration. |
Format: jpg | Size: 32 KB | Length: 400x507 | Date Added: 06 March 2006 | |
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Governor Arthur's Proclamation to the Aboriginies
National Library of Australia |
Oil on wood cartoon, aimed at illustrating Governor Arthur's Proclamation on law and punishment to Indigenous people, was nailed up in the Tasmanian bush in 1828. |
Format: jpg | Size: | Length: 245x334 | Date Added: 23 July 2002 | |
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The South Sea Labour Trade
May, Phillip |
An 1886 cartoon depicting a slave trader using coconuts as a lure to entice buyers for his "niggers".
The caption reads: “South Sea Island Trader: ‘Now gentlemen, give me a start. What shall we say for this ‘ere cocoanut – and the nigger thrown in? Five pounds only bid for this cocoanut. Five pounds; five o’ny; five – did I hear six? No advance; going at five; gone. Next nigger; I mean next cocoanut.’ ” |
Format: jpg | Size: 48 KB | Length: 415x488 | Date Added: 30 December 2005 | |
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"The Mongolian Octopus - his grip on Australia"
May, Phillip |
Phillip May, Cartoon, The Bulletin, 21 Aug 1886 |
Format: jpg | Size: | Length: 598x453 | Date Added: 23 July 2002 | |
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