Making Multicultural Australia

What's New

What's New
A MULTICULTURAL history of Australia...
Hot words - Triggers for debate...
Lesson ideas and resources for teachers...
Student activities for home and school...
A MULTICULTURAL research library...
Download eLEARNING Objects (e-LOs)...

Key issues and landmark events in our diverse society...

A search for real meaning in emotional language...

Classroom materials designed by experienced educators...

Quizzes, research and discussion topics...

3000 pages of reports, articles, speeches, interviews...

Classroom resources: videos, audios, slides, interactives...

What's new on this webSite


New Timeline Screens
There are new sections in the Timeline:

Victoria's cultural diversity
Victoria as the heartland of diversity (before 1900)
Victoria under White Australia - half a century following Federation
Victoria's resurgent diversity
Victoria discovers multiculturalism
Making multiculturalism work
Embedding multiculturalism in Victorian public culture
Victoria's changing communities
Religious diversity in Victoria
Art and Cultural Diversity in Victoria

Queensland's cultural diversity
Colonial Queensland ...
Queensland's Island trade ...
Assimilating into Queensland society ...
Queensland's emerging diversity ...
Queensland's multicultural turn ...
Combating racism in Queensland ...
Queensland's Chinese communities ...
Queensland's New Millennium ...
Religion, values and spirituality in Queensland ...
Asia and Queensland ...

Contemporary issues
Islam and Islamophobia
Refugees and Asylum Seekers

"Harvest of Endurance" Chinese-Australian History Scroll
View a detailed visual presentation of the history of Australia's Chinese community (1788-1988) through the Australian Museum's 50-metre long "Harvest of Endurance" Chinese-Australian History Scroll along with historical commentary.


Hotwords Search
Search for words that appear in our hotwords section, or search for terms contained in their definitions and support material.


We now have a number of online quizzes based on the MMA website content material. You can perform the quizzes on or offline, and they have a marking function built in.


Library search
There is a search facility in the MMA library. Search among the thousands of documents, audio, video and images held there.


FlashPaper e-Lo's
There are e-Learning objects for download and use online in the e-Learning section. They are presentations containing rich images and information. They use the ubiquitous Flash player, and are easy to download, or view online. These can be used for many purposes, including classroom discussion, focus questions and starting points for investigation.